Paula talks about Edu:

Paula Cuesta Violoncello
“Eduardo tiene el don de saber transmitir, y muchísima pasión y dedicación por lo que hace”
About Paula:

I had the great pleasure of working with Paula for three years at the Segovia Conservatory, where we met.

I spotted her enormous talent immediately and witnessed her speedy growth in almost no time. After her official studies with me, I encouraged her to study abroad, and after preparing the audition, she entered the Peabody Institute in the class of Amit Peled.

We were lucky to find, at the right time, a great instrument for Paula, a cello made by the sought-after French luthier Frank Ravatin

Video: Paula tells us about her experience as a student of Edu.
Paula´s career headlines:
"An space where you knew someone was guiding you in a positive and logical direction"
“Eduardo is, without any doubt, the teacher thanks to whom I am a professional musician”
“I would definitely highlight his capacity to adapt to each student´s stage of evolution”
“The day that I joined Eduardo´s class, everything changed radically”