Jorge talks about Edu:

Jorge Varela Violoncello
“Pocas personas pueden transmitir y enseñar como lo hace Eduardo”.
About Jorge:

Jorge (Xurxo or “George”) is a former student who worked with me fir six years. He has definitely been one of the biggest talents that I have come across, even though he finally decided to go down another path in life. A very sensitive musician, with grat imagination and impeccable taste, Xurxo always played at a great level in concerts and masterclasses, where he would always stand uo for his mature playing and personal sound. 

He now has a bachelor´s degree in politics and music still plays a very important role in his life. And maybe thinking about coming back…

Video: Jorge tells us about his experience as a student of Edu.
"An space where you knew someone was guiding you in a positive and logical direction"
“Eduardo is, without any doubt, the teacher thanks to whom I am a professional musician”
“He has the rare gift of conveying, and a lot of passion and dedication for teaching”
“The day that I joined Eduardo´s class, everything changed radically”